Video: Cyber Symposium 2017 Highlights

The 2017 Cyber Symposium was our biggest and most successful yet. We are pleased that so many of you attended and we hope to see you all again this year.

Cyber Video 23 Oct, 2020

More than 180 of our partners and peers in the London market came together to hear the views on the cyber insurance market from three exceptional speakers – Inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee; Executive Director of Europol, Rob Wainwright; and CEO of Security at BT, Mark Hughes.

Mark Hughes presents his views on how an open, speak up culture has lead to a rich seam of information, enabling the organisation to define risk. Followed by Rob Wainwright discussing the impact of cybercrime on businesses, and Tim Berners-Lee on data being the new oil.

If you weren’t able to attend this year, or if you did but you can’t get enough of it, we have uploaded a highlights video on our YouTube channel here: