Video: Cyber Incident Response App

We have developed our Cyber Incident Response app to make managing incidents easier, faster and more efficient – in other words, less stressful.

Cyber Video 23 Oct, 2020

It provides policyholders with easy access to our 24/7 global cyber incident response centre, and with a focus on customer service excellence, our app is a crucial tool for incident management. At the click of a button, users can report incidents, notify claims and request urgent assistance at any time of the day or night. The app also includes a wide array of additional features including cyber and tech news, policy reference and incident response team coordination.

Our video is a helpful guide to how the app works and its key benefits. Watch it today and then download the app to try it out yourself. It is available for free on Apple iTunes and Google Play platforms – simply search for ‘CFC cyber incident response’, and once installed, use our demo account to trial the service:

Password: D3M0U53R

Share the video with your CFC cyber policyholder clients today and encourage them to give the app a go – we’re confident they’ll like it!