Kids or no kids, presents are at the center of any great Christmas day. But what if there’s been a mess up on the production line, and the latest and greatest games console you’ve just unwrapped is faulty? After ranting about it to your nearest and dearest, you would hope that item is refunded quite quickly under the manufacturer’s product recall policy so you can divert the funds to your next piece of festive tech.
It’s still early, but the inevitable Christmas shenanigans have begun! Your nephew has already tucked into the desserts and been banished to the naughty corner for some quiet time. Sounds like wrongful dismissal (at least in his opinion), and you’d probably benefit from a management liability policy to cover the costs of investigation and court attendance, just in case your nephew decides to escalate matters.
Brace yourself, the in-laws are due any minute. And with that special arrival, those stress levels might be slightly more heightened as mutters of “I wouldn’t have done it that way” fill the air. But you’ve got to take a deep breath and take it all in your stride, it’s a merge of families and traditions after all. So, let’s talk about transaction liability and mergers and acquisitions. An M&A policy should be tailored to each transaction and provide cover for financial loss after a breach of warranty.
How about playing some Christmas songs to accompany your first drink of the day? There’s some classics, but what about the latest re-release that’s been questionably covered? That’s some license agreement liability right there… did they get the correct licensing for this musical abomination, or are they infringing on the original tune? Best to save your ears, change the track, and move on.
The final food prep is underway (hurrah) and it’s time dust off the family’s secret recipe to make the turkey and all its trimmings sing. But hang on, has this recipe really been handed down generation to generation for the past 100 years, or did Great Aunt Annie lift this from her favorite weekly magazine? The plot thickens…and so does the sauce. It’s got to be an IP risk and infringement on recipes is a real issue.
After Christmas dinner everyone’s feeling well and truly stuffed… at least most of the family, apart from Cousin Jack who’s on his fourth portion and starting to feel a little overwhelmed by all the food. Luckily, he’s wearing his new Christmas present – a smart watch – so he can monitor his heart rate and calculate the exercise he now needs to do to level out. But what if they smart watch isn’t tracking correctly, and things take a turn for a worst? We won’t go into the details, but it could very easily to turn into a healthcare and faulty medical device risk, and later develop into medical malpractice if things go very wrong. Leave the tenth helping of potato alone, Jack!
It’s time to video call the relatives who couldn’t join you. Uncle Roger has decided to use an obscure messaging platform that sends spammy notifications throughout the call which prompt you to download suspicious files. This, combined with his dodgy wifi connection, makes for a slow 20 minute catch up. Still, it ends with a welcome online bank transfer as a Christmas gift, which doesn’t go quite as smoothly as it should, but that’s Uncle Roger for you. This is a triple threat! It’s screaming cyber, tech and fintech risks. We’d suggest you avoid speaking to Uncle Roger online going forward, or at least download our Response app to have you prepared for next time.
The house is fit to burst. You managed to cram 17 family members round your dining table and given that everyone’s had second helpings (some four, naming no names…), it’s a tight squeeze. With that many people and the slippery magic of eggnog, there’s bodily injury risks looming round very corner. A property and casualty policy would protect again property damage and bodily injury, a potential necessary on a day like this!
As the day draws to a close, we are at least mostly happy to have spent the day with our challenging… but loveable… extended family. What if it had been cancelled? Not only would it be lonely but imagine the financial fallout! Five bags of carrots, four stalks of sprouts, three boats of gravy, two wheels of cheese, and a whole turkey for just the host?! Not to mention all those ungiven gifts. An event cancellation policy, however, would be an ideal way to protect the family from such a sad ending to the festive season.
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