Quirky IP news galore

It has been a month of strange trademark news. A local UK convenience store hit the headlines after the owner was threatened with legal action by Sainsbury’s for his take on the brand’s well-known name. In response to the threat of legal action, the shopkeeper of ‘Singhsbury’s’ decided to resolve the issue by switching the store’s name to ‘Morrisinghs’. The supermarket Morrison’s were a little more accommodating than their competitor and wished the renamed convenience store well.

Intellectual property Article 1 min Fri, Oct 23, 2020

It was also revealed this month that trademark offices around the world had received multiple applications for the use of President Trump’s creation “Covfefe”, with individuals and companies, (including one Covfefe LLC), rushing to register and take advantage of monopoly rights over the famous typo. Similarly, the main domain name variations have already been snapped up. #MakeIPGreatAgain
