CFC enhances North American terrorism product with major upgrade

CFC, a specialist insurance provider and pioneer in emerging risk, today announced a major upgrade to its North American terrorism and sabotage policy to deliver a best of breed product for brokers seeking standalone terrorism solutions for their US and Canadian clients.

Terrorism News 4 min Wed, Oct 13, 2021

CFC has been providing insurance for terrorism and sabotage events in North America for over a decade. Key enhancements to its existing wording include loss of attraction, covering loss of income after an insured event within one mile from the insured premises which leads to a reduction in business activities, and threat cover for loss of rent or business interruption sustained in the event of a threat of terrorism or sabotage.

Bodily injury and property damage liability is also included as standard, covering the insured for any claim arising out of third party bodily injury or property damage following an insured event.

“The pandemic and subsequent lockdown has provided a perfect breeding ground for extremist ideologies. While initial restrictions limited movement, those underlying issues have continued to simmer, with the pandemic itself a further driver for discontent,” said Ben Atkins, Terrorism Team Leader at CFC.

“As the nature of the threat changes, so too must the terrorism market. Policies such as our own have evolved and go beyond the more traditional material damage and subsequent business interruption cover, recognising that businesses do not have to incur physical damage themselves to suffer losses from a terrorism incident.”

Other enhancements to CFC’s North American terrorism product include reimbursement or repair of property or contents due to looting, burglary or theft following an insured event, and brand rehabilitation providing reimbursement cover post loss for advertisement and PR costs to help business activities continue or reduce the actual loss sustained. Pollutant and contaminant clean-up cover is also now included, providing cover for clean-up costs for pollutants stored at the insured premises in the event of damage or spillage following an insured event.

A limit of up to $200m is available, with flexibility on limit size and coverages allowing brokers access to a bespoke policy that best suits their clients’ needs. Policies of up to 18 months (26 months for contractors’ risks) are available and the policy also carries no monetary deductible as standard.

CFC’s terrorism underwriting team has tripled in size over the past decade and now writes this class in over 20 countries worldwide, providing small and mid-size organizations a flexible and comprehensive alternative to government-backed cover.

About CFC

CFC is a specialist insurance provider, pioneer in emerging risk and market leader in cyber. Our global insurance platform uses cutting-edge technology and data science to deliver smarter, faster underwriting and protect customers from today’s most critical business risks.

Headquartered in London with offices in New York, Austin, Brussels and Brisbane, CFC has over 500 staff and is trusted by more than 100,000 businesses in 90 countries.

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