Active assailant insurance: What should it cover?

Active assailant incidents are a risk for public and private organizations across the globe—with potentially devastating consequences. Discover how entities can help mitigate the fallout of these malicious events with the right insurance cover.

Specialist Insurance Article 2 min 17 Oct, 2024

We live in a world where active assailant incidents are a real threat for public and private organizations everywhere, with new data finding active assailants are targeting a variety of open spaces—from shopping centers and entertainment venues to outdoor festivals and amusement parks.

Whereas an act of terrorism is motivated by political, religious or ideological reasons, the scope for active assailant incidents is much broader. In these attacks the motive is often unclear, with the assailant intending on causing civilian casualties using a kind of handheld weapon or vehicle.

To help mitigate the consequences of an event, it’s vital for businesses to get the right protection. But active assailant insurance is a quicky evolving space, and there are many nuances to consider when picking out a policy. So what do you need to look out for?

  1. Crisis management services

    In an active assailant attack, it’s vital to respond quickly in order to reduce injuries, limit lasting trauma and ultimately save lives. As these are often extremely delicate, unpredictable situations, they require trained specialist support. So it’s vital to have a team of professionals on hand, ready to step in with actionable advice.

    Always consider the crisis response services that come with the policy. At CFC we provide support through expert crisis consultants and on-call incident response teams, available to businesses 24/7 on a crisis hotline. All our insured’s are eligible for a free, 30-minute pre-risk phone call with our crisis management partners.

  2. Victim and organization support

    Ultimately, active assailant attacks are directed at people. They don’t always have the same business interruption and property cost triggers as acts of terrorism, and so it’s only right that insurance is steered towards supporting victims.

    By going with a policy with people’s welfare at its core, businesses can ensure compensation is provided to any employees or third parties impacted by the incident. At CFC we also cover any funeral costs related to the incident, as well as the cost of any employees having to re-train or even relocate due to injury.

  3. Legal liability cover

    Businesses impacted by an active assailant attack can find themselves facing lawsuits, stemming from bodily injury or property damage claims. Here, legal fees, judgements and settlements can take years to resolve, resulting in significant legal fees for the business.

    Active assailant policies should provide cover for the legal liability relating to bodily injury and property damage, including compensation claims made by third parties and the associated legal costs. 

  4. Material damage cover

    Understandably, damage to property is a minor concern when compared to the needs of victims in the event of an active assailant attack. But without cover, the costs of repairing property or relocating can be a huge financial burden for any impacted business to bear.

    It’s important to consider material damage when choosing a policy. Your insurance product should provide full cover for the financial impact of property damage, enabling the business to repair and replace property assets and contents if required. 

  5. Business interruption and loss of attraction

    Due to their violent nature, active assailant incidents can disrupt business operations in the short, medium and long-term, causing significant loss of income as the business can no longer trade. Even if the assailant doesn’t go through with an attack, meaning no physical damage is caused, the business may still have to close its doors.

    Your policy should indemnify businesses for a loss of income related to an active assailant threat or attack, including any rent. CFC’s policy also responds if you are denied access to the premises due to the incident, and also covers loss of attraction due to a nearby incident. 

Getting the right cover

With the frequency and cost of active assailant incidents rising, it’s more important than ever for businesses to get the protection they need. Dealing with such an incident alone is a tough ask for any business, no matter its size. Which is why every business would benefit from this vital form of insurance cover.

CFC offers the full range of terrorism policies. 

Take a look at the CFC active assailant insurance policy brochure, or get in touch to find out more about active assailant insurance policies for your clients.